Gudinde Power Oracle Card

265,00 DKK 269,00 DKK 1% OFF

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Dette orakelsæt er en lysende bro mellem den virkelige og den usynlige verden. Det vil flytte dig fra det almindelige til det mystiske, og vi guide dig frem til din dybeste sandhed. Det vil give dig styrke til at vælge at blive fri fra din gamle tilstand og give dig en ny og større bevidsthedstilstand, så du kan være med til at skabe et liv, der rækker ud over din vildeste fantasi!
'Jeg sender dig al min kærlighed, og det er mit håb, at dette orakelsæt giver dig den magi, som du søger for at komme godt i gang. At det fylder dig med modet til at være dit autentiske jeg. Tænk klart, følg dit hjerte, oplev verden med din sjæl og tilbyd din støtte til andre.'

Både teksten på de smukt illustrerede kort og i hele den medfølgende guidebog er på dansk.
LA DIOSA ship to Denmark and Sweden. All shipment are sent by PostNord. Denmark: 1-3 business days. Free shipping within Denmark for purchases of over 599,00 DKK
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see. 
Empowering yourself to make the changes you want to see.