Our fumigation bouquets are inspired by the traditions practiced by the ancients and are handpicked from organic crops originally from the Périgord Region.
They perfume and purify your space.
Soothes anxiety. Restores strength.
Ingredients: Fig leaves, pine tree needles, everlasting flowers.
Organic cotton, conforms to REACH regulations
Size : 6,3 inch to 7 inch
- Ficus carica -
For Totem, it comes from wild pickings in the Périgord Region
This tree is a symbol of initiation, especially in ancient Egypt. It is also the tree of the Buddha (the fig tree of the pagodas), the one under which He obtained enlightenment. It is also a symbol of immortality and higher knowledge.
The roots of the fig tree, by their strength, represent our own roots: they grow through walls and rocks. In several religions, the fruit of the fig tree is sacred because of its nutritional value and therapeutic properties. Fig leaves have been used since antiquity as an invigorator to fight against intellectual and physical fatigue.
Herbalists also use them for their digestive, draining, and calming propertie
- Rosmarinus officinalis -
For Totem, it comes from wild picking in the Périgord Region
A sacred plant of antiquity. Rosemary accompanied the important rites of human life, from weddings (symbol of love) to funeral ceremonies (emblem of immortality and memory).
Its medicinal contribution came later, probably in the Middle Ages.
It is anti-spasmodic and anti-infective, used in particular to treat bronchitis and colds.
It was used as an alcohol by the Queen of Hungary, under the name "Water of the Queen of Hungary". Louis XIV also used it as miraculous water. Today, it is used as a defatiguing and a tonificant, especially in fumigation to stimulate convalescents and overworked.
- Cetraria islandica -
For Totem, it comes from wild pickings in the Périgord Region
Its name refers to Artemis, Greek goddess of hunting, of the wilderness and childbirth. It is the plant of female disorders; it regulates the menstrual cycle and relieves menstrual pain. It also relieves digestive disorders of nervous origin. A magical plant
for some, it is considered a miracle cure by almost all peoples. Mugwort also has calming virtues. It is widely used in fumigation for its power to purify, sanitize places, people, and objects. It is recommended in situations involving renewal or requiring a decision.
- Papaver rhoéas -
For Totem, it comes from wild pickings in the Périgord Region
The Poppy, or "coquelicot", as it was named until the XVI century for its color and its resemblance to the crest of the rooster, is the symbol of life, joy, fullness and happiness.
It is the emblem of forgetfulness, consolation and rest because it puts sorrows away. This plant has always been known for its sedative virtues. The Egyptians placed poppy petals in the tombs to ensure that the deceased had a "serene sleep".
Belonging to the family of opiates, it is nicknamed "the harmless opium of the people”; it is used for its soothing effects. It is also used to clear the airways.